ok so call me a beotch for what im about to write but sometimes i wanna smack people across the head when i see their tumblr blogs.
first of all, for those of you who have music players on your blogs: NO AUTOPLAY. STOP. NOT EVERYBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR MUSIC.
also to those depressing, sad, "im-ugly-and-nobody-likes-me-even-though-i-have-a-million-friends-at-school-but-i-think-they-all-hate-me-because-i-cant-see-past-myself-and-im-fat-even-though-my-boyfriend-doesnt-think-im-fat-but-ugh-why-cant-i-be-perfect" blogs: look, you're beautiful, everyone is. seriously. but when i know you, and i know for a fact that there are at least 5 guys willing to date you, and you already have a boyfriend, and you have soooooooooooooooooooooo many friends, and people actually like you because you're not harsh like me...sorry no sympathy. i know for a fact people call you gorgeous and pretty and all that crap and you dont have a hard life so shut up.
none of the stuff written above has anything to do with anyone who actually has a mental health problem. im sorry if ive offended anyone who suffers through these things, lets be honest, i did too. at one point. but then i realized its stupid to dwell on these things and if you believe making people feel sorry for you is going to make you a stronger person and if you believe that people will care...they don't. they really really dont. and you will never be successful if you rely on people to feel sorry you, and you will never make your dreams come true if you believe your happiness comes from how people see you and how society runs. change yourself, no one else is going to do it for you and you will never get better if you dont suck it up.
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